May 24

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
印尼 Panda 村传统骑马比赛前,年轻的骑手们将赛马牵到河中洗澡。摄影师:Sijori Images
Jockeys seen cleaning their horses after a traditional horse race in a river at Panda village, Indonesia.
Monday, May 15, 2017
「一带一路」国际合作高峰论坛,俄罗斯总统普京乘坐专车前往国家大剧院观看文艺演出,中国北京。摄影师:Alexei Nikolsky
Russian President Vladimir Putin sits in a bus as he arrives for a concert at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing.
Friday, May 19, 2017
叙利亚反对派控制的杜马(Douma)街区,身着黑色罩袍的女性正在学习认字和写字,大马士革。摄影师:Mohammed Badra
Syrian women look at notes during a literacy class in rebel-held Douma, Damascus, Syria.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
一名小男孩将木板作为盾牌,躲避警察和抗议者之间互掷的石头和玻璃弹珠,印控克什米尔斯利那加市。摄影师:Dar Yasin
A Kashmiri boy shields himself with plywood from stones and glass marbles during a clash between Indian policemen and protesters in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir.
Monday, May 15, 2017
英国沃德斯登庄园,英国画家 Nicholas Hilliard 的肖像油画《伊丽莎白一世女王》和《阿米艾斯·伯勒特爵士》即将第一次公开展出,白金汉郡。摄影师:Tristan Fewings
Two newly attributed Nicholas Hilliard portraits to go on public view for the first time at Waddesdon Manor.
Monday, May 15, 2017
马来西亚海关展示截获的射纹龟(Radiated tortoise)和安哥洛卡象龟(Ploughshare tortoise),马来西亚雪邦。摄影师:Manan Vatsyayana
A Malaysian Airports Customs official shows seized endangered ploughshare and radiated tortoises in Sepang.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
俯瞰韩国保宁水库(Boryeong Dam)附近的农田,水库蓄水量严重下降导致春季插秧季节缺水,韩国忠清南道。摄影师:iDaily Media
Boryeong Lake Boryeong, Chungnam on the 16th, where the spring drought is continuing all over the nation.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
2017 澳大利亚时装周 Steven Khalil 秀场后台,模特们身着澳大利亚设计师 Steven Khalil 的最新一季时装准备登台,悉尼。摄影师:Jason Reed
Models make last minute adjustments backstage during a show by the Australian designer Steven Khalil at Fashion Week Australia in Sydney.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
人们在亚略巴古山顶(Areios Pagos)观看日落,希腊雅典。摄影师:Ayhan Mehmet
Tourists visit the Areios Pagos hill to watch the sunset in Athens, Greece.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
纽约洛克菲勒中心外,美国艺术家 Jeff Koons 的大型充气装置「坐着的芭蕾少女」(Seated Ballerina)正在展出,美国。摄影师:iDaily Media
Seated Ballerina, an inflated sculpture created by artist Jeff Koons towers 45 feet high, peering down at visitors to the popular tourist destination Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2017/05/24
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