Mar 12
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Monday, March 08, 2010  
国际妇女节,一个男人将一支玫瑰送给自己的老伴,贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚。摄影师:Marko Djurica
A man offered a rose to a woman to mark International Women’s Day in Belgrade, Serbia, Monday. (Marko Djurica/Reuters)


Sunday,March 07,2010
俄罗斯体操运动员Evgenia Kanaeva在国际艺术体操锦标赛上,匈牙利。摄影师:Laszlo Balogh
Russia’s Evgenia Kanaeva competed in the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Debrecen, Hungary, Sunday.


Sunday,March 07,2010
智利地震后第八天,一名女子在自己家房子外睡觉。摄影师:Natacha Pisarenko
A woman slept outside her house in Talcahuano, Chile, Sunday, eight days after a powerful earthquake struck Chile, causing deaths and widespread damage. (Natacha Pisarenko/Associated Press)


Wednesday, March 10, 2010
华盛顿Caugars队的DAengelo与俄勒冈Duck队的Michael Dunigan在争抢篮板球,洛杉矶Staples体育中心。摄影师:Jeff Gross
The Washington State Cougars’ DeAngelo Casto (in red) and the Oregon Ducks’ Michael Dunigan went for a rebound.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010
一名身穿Marc Jacobs设计款时装的模特在LV秋冬时装展上亮相,巴黎。摄影师:Francois Mori
A model wore a dress created by U.S. designer Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton’s fall-winter, ready-to-wear collection in Paris Wednesday.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010
冻在浮冰上的气球,莫斯科河。摄影师:Alexander Zemlianichenko
Balloons frozen to a piece of ice drifted down the Moscow River Wednesday.


Monday, March 08, 2010
大雪中一名男子撑伞向码头走去,科利尤尔,法国。摄影师:Raymond Roig
A person walked on a pier in Collioure, France, as heavy snow fell Monday.


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2010/03/12

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