FAB杂志到这个月已经出到第七期,每期都有一个独特的主题,例如“终结(The End)”、“转折点(Turning Point)”以及“真相(Truths)”。
点击这里下载FAB 07
The end is a movie screen word.
The end may mean wonder. Fear. Surprise. Relief. Doubt.
Delusion. New start. Destruction.
The end is a border, a frontier, a goal.
The end is definite. The end is a new start. The end is unpredictable. The end. It’s expectation. The end erases.
The end rewrites. The end opens.
Things end in different ways.
One day you’re alive, the next you’re not. One day you’re a virgin, the next day you’re not. One day you’retwenty-five, one day you’re single, one day you’re homeless , one day you’re wrong.
And then it’s all over.
Each of us determine our own endings. Sometimes we end something.
Eventually something will end us. And even then some endings are retroactive and we don’t realize that
something has ended until WELL AFTER it HAS.
Whatever it is whatever shape it’s got, the end comes and that’s it. It marks the end of a sentence without caring
about starting a new paragraph. It takes the start away with its characters and the turn of events. We’re used
to some kind of sequel even if it doesn’t exist after the end.
With this issue, on the contrary, we’d like to be definite. The end.
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