Dec 3

November 26, 2007
Butterfly on Leaf, Borneo, Malaysia
Under the cover of darkness, a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah, Borneo.
November 29, 2007
Dinosaur Fossils, Niger
In Niger's Ténéré desert, a ridge of protruding bones suggests a dramatically different past.
November 30, 2007
Monkeys at Watering Hole, India
在印度的Bandhavgarh国家公园内,一群Hanuman langur monkeys(长尾叶猴)在排水沟饮水。大图地址
troop of Hanuman langur monkeys drinks from a watering hole used by tigers in India's Bandhavgarh National Park.
December 01, 2007
Honeybees, Maine
Swarming honeybees, like these on Maine's Appledore Island.
December 02, 2007
Monaco Cathedral, Monaco
摩纳哥大教堂,修建于1875年,使用的白石建材是选自法国阿尔卑斯山La Turbie 村庄。这是新-罗马式的摩纳哥大教堂建筑群,其中埋葬着格雷斯公主和王子们。大图地址
Built in 1875 from white stone from La Turbie, a French alpine village, the neo-Romanesque Monaco Cathedral houses the tombs of former princes and Princess Grace.
Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2007/12/03
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