Sep 10

Monday, August 27, 2012
朝鲜青年代表大会上,朝鲜政府高级官员坐在主席台上,金正日与金日成的肖像挂在会场中央,平壤。摄影师:Jon Chol Jin
Senior officials sit under huge portraits of North Korea's late leaders, Kim Il Sung, left, and Kim Jong Il, during a meeting at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium in Pyongyang.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
伦敦2012残疾人奥运会上,德国队的Vanessa Low在参加女子跳远决赛,伦敦。
Germany's Vanessa Low competes in the Women's Long Jump F42/44 final athletics event during the London 2012 Paralympic Games at the Olympic Stadium in east London.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
伦敦2012残疾人奥运会上,英国队队员Lee Brunton在防守伊朗队的进攻。摄影师:Matthew Lloyd
Lee Brunton of Great Britain takes on the Iranian defense in the Men's Team Football 5-a-side B1 on day 6 of the Paralympic Games.
Friday, September 7, 2012
军乐队的演奏家们在红场参加Spasskaya塔国际军事音乐节,俄罗斯莫斯科。摄影师:Andrey Smirnov
Military musicians at the Spasskaya Tower international military and music festival in Red Square
Thursday, September 6, 2012
一只母狮子轻咬刚刚出生5周小狮子的尾巴,德国德累斯顿动物园。摄影师:Arno Burgi
Lion mother Layla holds one of her two babies by the tail in their enclosure at the zoo in Dresden, eastern Germany.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
People run for cover as smoke rises from the site of a fire at a fireworks factory on the outskirts of Sivakasi, India.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2012/09/10
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