Apr 1
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March 23, 2008
Cloud-Shrouded Skyline, Chicago
摄影师:Steve Raymer
芝加哥上空,云雾缭绕,摩天大楼在其中隐隐约约,犹如诗人CarlSandburg所形容的"巨肩林立的城市"    大图
A blanket of clouds shrouds the Chicago skyline in the metropolis that poet Carl Sandburg dubbed "the city of the big shoulders."


March 25, 2008
Crop Dusting, Brawley, California
摄影师:Gerd Ludwig
加州Brawley农场,飞机在落日的映照下仿佛镀上一层金黄  大图
A setting sun casts a fiery glow over a crop duster spreading pesticides in a Brawley, California, field.


March 26, 2008
Blue Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey
摄影师:Steve McCurry
在蔚蓝的天空和湛蓝的博斯普鲁斯海峡映照下,蓝色清真寺分外青碧——它的名字得名于清真寺内部的花砖  大图
Rendered blue in this photograph by reflected light from the sky above and the Bosporus Strait below, Istanbul's Blue Mosque actually got its name from the tile covering its interior.


March 28, 2008
Sunset, Florida Keys
摄影师:Jim Richardson
在佛罗里达州的Marathon镇的七英里桥畔,日落将至,一女子正注视着远处佛罗里达湾的积雨云  大图
Dramatic storm clouds move across Florida Bay at sunset as a woman on Seven Mile Bridge in Marathon, Florida, looks on.


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2008/04/01

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