Oct 25

Thursday, October 20, 2016
拜科努尔航天发射场,俄罗斯「联盟FG」型运载火箭搭载「联盟 MS-02」号宇宙飞船发射升空,哈萨克斯坦。摄影师:Shamil Zhumatov
The Soyuz MS-02 spacecraft blasts off to the ISS from the launchpad at the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
两名东正教牧师走向圣索菲亚圣母升天教堂(Saint Sophia Assumption Cathedral),沿途的路面和屋顶被白雪覆盖,俄罗斯。摄影师:Vladimir Smirnov
Monks by the Saint Sophia Assumption Cathedral of the Tobolsk Kremlin, Russia.
Monday, October 17, 2016
西班牙提森-博内米萨博物馆,一名参观者正在欣赏法国画家雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)1872年创作的油画《正在读报的克劳德·莫奈》(Claude Monet Reading),马德里。摄影师:Victor Lerena
A visitor looks at the painting 'Claude Monet Reading' by French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir during the exhibition 'Renoir. Privacy' at the Thyssem Museum in Madrid, Spain.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
俄罗斯国防部征兵处,一名应征士兵正在与女友自拍,俄罗斯圣彼得堡。摄影师:Sergei Konkov
A conscript takes a selfie with a girl friend at a military recruiting office, St Petersburg.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
伍珀塔尔海德博物馆(Von der Heydt Museum),法国艺术家德加(Edgar Degas)和罗丹(Auguste Rodin)的舞者雕塑正在展出,德国。摄影师:Bernd Thissen
Sculptures of dancing figures by French artists Edgar Degas (foreground) and Auguste Rodin are on display at the Von der Heydt Museum in Wuppertal, Germany.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
一名女子站在即将被拆迁的旧屋中,周围是新建的高楼,中国上海。摄影师:Yuyang Liu
Zheng Ruizhen, who initially refused to sign away her home, at her house in Shanghai.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
巴黎钱币博物馆,意大利艺术家 Maurizio Cattelan 与自己的作品「他」(Him)合影,法国巴黎。摄影师:Philippe Wojazer
Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan poses with his creation "Him" (2001) at the Hotel de la Monnaie in Paris.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
澳大利亚 Dreamworld 主题公园「老虎岛」(Tiger Island)在改造后重新开放,一只老虎潜入泳池抓取一块鸡肉。摄影师:Adam Head
'Sita' the tiger dives for food in the new Tiger Island Pool at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
从走私者手中获救的爪哇懒猴(Javan Slow Loris)从笼子中向外张望,印度尼西亚西爪哇省。摄影师:iDaily Media
The medical staff check the Javan slow loris which have been confiscated from individuals or markets which illegally sell them as pets in West Java, Indonesia.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
日本「机器人周」(Japan Robot Week)展览会,一只「Pepper」机器人正在休眠中,东京国际展览中心。摄影师:Taro Karibe
The Comminication Robot 'Pepper' developed by Softbank switched off during the Japan Robot Week 2016 at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo.
Monday, October 17, 2016
埃塞俄比亚默克莱盲人学校,一名视力正常的女孩正在给两名失明的同学读课文。摄影师:Tom Pullen
A sighted girl helps read a textbook to two older blind students from Mek'ele Blind School in Ethiopia.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
两名身着制服的朝鲜女交警在居民楼前聊天,朝鲜平壤。摄影师:Wong Maye-E
North Korean traffic police women chat next to a residential building while off duty, North Korea.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2016/10/25
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