Feb 12

More 『国家地理』@Leica中文摄影杂志

February 07, 2008
Buckskin Gulch, Utah
摄影师:Bill Hatcher
乌云覆盖下的荒凉的犹他州的Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs荒漠  大图
Dark clouds roll over Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness in Utah.


February 08, 2008
Harp Seal, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
摄影师:Brian Skerry
加拿大Lawrence海岸,一头小格陵兰海豹正在寒冷的水中慢慢游动  大图
A young harp seal tests the frigid waters in Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence.


February 10, 2008
Burmese Boy, Nanyung, Myanmar
摄影师:Maria Stenzel
缅甸,一个男孩在迷雾浓浓的河流中洗澡  大图
A boy bathes in a mist-shrouded river in Nanyung, Myanmar (Burma).


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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2008/02/12

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