#1 - 2007-10-8 23:07
Paperback:432 pages
Publisher:Thames & Hudson (November 27, 2006) Language:English ISBN-10:0500286426 ISBN-13:978-0500286425 Product Dimensions:10.9 x 10.2 x 1.2 inches Book Description "A definitive catalogue….Once Cartier-Bresson photographed something or someone, you might as well have retired them as subjects."—Newsweek Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of the finest image makers of our time. His extraordinary photographs were shaped by an eye and a mind legendary for their intelligent empathy and for their unerring ability to get to the heart of the matter. This sumptuous collection of work by Cartier-Bresson is the ultimate look at his achievements. The book brims with classic photographs that have become icons of the medium, as well as rarely seen work from all periods of Cartier-Bresson's life, including a number of previously unpublished photographs and a generous selection of drawings, paintings, and film stills. The book also features telling personal souvenirs of his youth, his family, and the founding of Magnum. This definitive collection of a master photographer's work will be an essential book for anyone interested in photography—indeed, for anyone interested in the people, places, and events of the past century. 600+ illustrations in color and duotone. 定 价:650.00元 |
#2 - 2007-10-8 23:08
Hardcover:176 pages
Publisher:Flammarion (May 28, 2004) Language:English ISBN-10:208030447X ISBN-13:978-2080304476 Product Dimensions:12.1 x 9.8 x 0.9 inches Surprises of every kind lie in wait for the photographer - they open the eyes and quicken the heartbeat of those with a passion for looking. Published to coincide with a major retrospective of Marc Riboud's work, this is the first work in English devoted to the entire career of this outstanding twentieth-century photojournalist. Riboud has created some of the iconic images of our time: workmen balanced like dancers on the powerful metal girders of the Eiffel Tower; a young Vietnam war protester facing down a rank of riflemen with a flower in her hand. Riboud took his first photographs at the age of 14 with his father's Vest Pocket Kodak. Eager to investigate the complexities of contemporary reality, Riboud worked for the legendary Magnum agency, alongside Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, and Chim (David Seymour). Starting in 1955, he traveled all over the world, from Nepal to Alaska, Mexico to Algeria, his camera always at the ready. While many of his shots reveal the anguish of war, others capture the fleeting delights of a swim in a sun-dappled river or children learning to whistle in a Shanghai street. Here are Riboud's best images, presented by those who know him. 定价:680.00元 |
#3 - 2007-10-8 23:09
Paperback:412 pages
Publisher:Kodansha International (August 5, 2003) Language:English ISBN-10:4770029381 ISBN-13:978-4770029386 Product Dimensions:11.1 x 8.6 x 1.3 inches "This book offers an opportunity to witness the evolution of Araki's work as understood by the artist himself." -THE Magazine "...An unflinching leer into urban Japan's unique sexual underworld." -Nerve.com "He possesses the almost magical ability to transform the most mundane details into objects of fascination, to impregnate them with a raw sexual energy.... This mischievous photographer provokes viewers with images of the female form that are often oddly sensuous and objective at the same time, both erotica and cerebral. Ultimately, Araki presents us with a puzzle: the naked human psyche itself." -The Japan Times Book Description " There is nothing more interesting than women, and nothing more exciting." -Nobuyoshi Araki Araki by Araki is a record of the career of Nobuyoshi Araki, self-styled "photomaniac" and permanent enfant terrible of the Japanese art world. Published to mark the artist's sixty-third birthday on May 25, 2003, this volume features 2002 photographs covering his entire career from 1963 to 2002. Sex-trade voyeur, recorder of Tokyo cityscapes, chronicler of married life, or experimental photo artist - no matter what your image of Araki, this collection will reveal new aspects of his talent, as it traces his unique vision over forty prolific years. All the pictures were selected by Araki himself (who also provides an original commentary), making Araki by Araki not only a comprehensive but highly personal overview of the artist's work to date. High quality color and duotone black and white printing ensure the highest standard of reproduction throughout. 定价:600元 《荒木经惟自选集》 本书是2003年为纪念荒木经惟63岁生日而出版。所有的入选本书的照片都经荒木经惟自己挑选,时间跨度从1963年到2002年,包括的他所有重要的作品系列。 |
#4 - 2007-10-8 23:10
《戴安娜·阿勃斯:启示》(Diane Arbus:Revelations)英文版,精装,开本尺寸:33×26cm,352页,美国Random House出版社2003年。
定价: 1120元 《戴安娜·阿勃斯:启示》 本书有200幅独幅的阿勃斯主要作品,大量的相关文字,包括评论、传记,甚至关于阿勃斯印片技巧的讨论,还有300多幅图片展示了阿勃斯的笔记、信札等物品。这是目前有关Diane Arbus的内容最丰富的一本书。 |
#5 - 2007-10-8 23:11
Wide Angle: National Geographic Greatest Places (Hardcover) Wide Angle: National Geographic Greatest Places (Hardcover)
这本精彩荟萃的摄影作品集所收录的260幅照片每一幅都独具魅力。有些色彩明亮,重点突出,充满活力;有些柔和安静,色泽的变化细微隐秘。这一幅描绘的是消失于静默的远方的辽阔风景,那一幅则激荡着攻击中的斗牛的热情和玩耍的儿童的活力。这些动人心魄的作品无论它们再现的是拥挤的街头还是空旷的荒原,都有一个共同的强有力的特质,那就是一种强烈的地域意识,正是这种意识将我们拉入相框,将一幅图像变成一次亲身体验。每一处精彩的地方都自有它独特的精神,而本书这些照片的摄影者们都具有捕捉这种精神的罕见才能。他们的足迹跨越七大洲,他们的视野涵盖一个多世纪摄影史的辉煌,他们的作品不仅仅是在看风景,更是在感知一方水土,并邀请我们去分享这一探索过程的奇幻魔力。 【作者简介】 菲迪南德·普罗兹曼(Ferdinand Protzman)是一位多次获奖的文化作家、批评家兼ART新闻杂志的咨询主编,他的评论和文章见于《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时代周刊》、《华尔街期刊》、《国际华尔街期刊》、《国际哈罗德论坛》、《哈佛评论》以及德文《时代杂志》。他是《地貌:跨越时空的摄影作品》(美国国家地理协会2003年出版)一书的作者,并参与编写《国家地理摄影作品:里程碑》(美国国家地理协会1999年出版),同时还是《赫尔辛基流派》(一部关于当代芬兰摄影的综述)的作者之一。普罗兹曼现与家人居于美国马里兰诈肯辛顿。 【内容提要】 这本书的精彩是语言难以传达的,用多少个“最”字也无法详尽它的魅力。书中的260幅令人叹为观止的摄影作品让任何描述都显得苍白,要欣赏它们的美妙,需有着与摄影者赋予图中景物的同等的灵性和张力才有可能。这些照片从美国国家地理协会保存的数百万幅图片的卷宗中精选出来,涵盖了来自地球的每一个角落的、丰富而绚烂的风景。如书所示,《大地广角》将地球的全景展现在我们面前,这里既有田园景色,也有城市风光,既有熟悉的画面,也有不为人知的景观,一切都历历在目,栩栩如生。 翻阅本书,我们宛如遍访每一片陆地,以及将陆地隔离又连接的海洋。与我们同行的既有早期的摄影师,也有当下的摄影界名流,比如萨姆·阿贝尔,威廉·阿尔伯特·阿拉德,乔迪·考伯。全书共分十二章,每章介绍一个地域,包括它的自然风光、野生生态以及人文景观。每章还配有菲迪南德·普罗兹曼撰写的文字,风格隽永,既反思摄影艺术,也揭示隐藏于照片后的多层意义。 在一幅幅作品中,我们可以看到霓虹灯下的闹市街头,从纽约直到悉尼;可以游览北非尘土飞扬的城镇,还可以亲历被长久弃置的马丘比丘废墟。这一幅画卷描绘的是空旷无垠的撒哈拉沙漠中孤独跋涉的沙漠驼队,那一张照片记录的是在麦加至高无上的圣地匍匐膜拜的两百万朝圣者。两只猎豹的空中腾跃被凝固于一瞬,一只鹳鸟在如彩色蜡笔画的背景中振翅飞跃相框——很有些葛世北斋的构图韵味。每一幅画面都引人入胜,独特和不容忘怀。 《大地广角》、《透过镜头》和《瞬间永恒》共同构成蔚为壮观的三部曲,把整个地球揽入怀中,通过一个多世纪的摄影艺术的风云变幻,将人类和人类置身其中的世界展现在我们面前,让我们领略到它的丰富和辉煌。 【目录】 序言 东亚和东南亚 大洋洲 中亚和南亚 中东 中欧和东欧 英伦三岛和北欧 西欧和南欧 北非 撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲 北美 中美和南美 极地 定 价:380.00元 |
#6 - 2007-10-8 23:13
National Geographic Magazine, long the definitive resource for armchair discovery of the world, has published this very fine volume that has been translated in many languages and distributed around the world. The contents are simply (!) rich color photographs for which National Geographic is so widely respected and well known. Divided into sections - Europe, Asia, Africa & the Middle East, The Americas, Oceans and Isles, and The Universe - the editors have selected a terrific cross section of images from the depth of underwater photographs (apparently these were the first ever made!) to images of the distant most stars. And of course including images of the planet's surface and habitants in the fine tradition of the magazine.
定 价:380.00元 |
#7 - 2007-10-8 23:14
In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraitsby National Geographic Society, Leah Bendavid Val, Sam Abell, and Chris Johns(Hardcover- Oct 1, 2004)
作为20世纪“最伟大的人物摄影佳作”的精选本,该书通过美国《国家地理》杂志多位杰出摄影家的280幅人物摄影作品,充分展示了20世纪不同年代人类社会的发展历程,其中不仅包括国际大赛获奖作品,而且还有许多以前从未公开发表的照片。该书作者用引人入胜的语言披露了不少经典画面背后的故事,每一幅作品都向读者无声地揭示着人物性格,展现着当时的文化和历史背景。 书中的作者均是极具知名度的优秀摄影师:有出版过《摄影生活》、《看见花园》以及《留驻此刻》的萨姆·埃布尔,出版过包括《消失的物种》和《美国人像》在内的5本摄影集,自1964年开始在美国《国家地理》杂志上发表摄影和文字作品的威廉·艾伯特·阿拉德等摄影界大腕;也有爱德华·柯蒂斯19世纪拍摄的美国土著居民,史蒂夫·麦凯瑞1984年拍摄的阿富汗难民女孩等知名照片;书中还有多位当代最优秀摄影师极富见地的评述。 《瞬间永恒——美国〈国家地理〉人物摄影传世佳作》是国家地理学会今年出版的又一力作,该书通过《国家地理杂志》多位杰出摄影家的人物摄影作品展示了上个世纪不同年代的人类社会的缩影,不仅包括国际大奖作品还有从未公开发表的照片。作者用引人入胜的语言披露了经典画面背后的故事。画面摄人魂魄,文字优美隽永。 书中280幅照片帧帧出自摄影大师的镜头,他们习惯于透过镜头看世界,通过一张张栩栩如生的人物讲述一个个引人入胜的故事。正如克里斯·约翰斯在前言中所说:“捕捉人的精神和本质是一项无法估量的挑战,但是当摄影师这样做并拍摄出照片时,便会体会到其中创作的快乐。” 这本极为精彩的摄影集恰好是对这句话的一个明证。 一幅伟大的人物照片究竟是如何拍摄的?在美国国家地理学会的摄影大师和他们的伟大作品面前,相信每一位摄影艺术爱好者都会发出这样的疑问。而本书中精彩的280张照片已经给出了它们各自的答案——每一张伟大的人物摄影作品都有属于自己独特的语言,它们将主题、场景与充满创意的技巧凝固在一个瞬间,牢牢地抓住了读者的注意力。无论高雅庄重还是咄咄逼人,阴险狡诈或是晦涩难懂,他们都直接地面对着读者。或许我们无法简单地定义人物摄影佳作的这种特性,但是我们却能凭直觉感受到它的存在。 本书的作者之一威廉·艾伯特·阿拉德写道:“一张出色的人像摄影作品有一种表达被拍摄者内在精神的力量,它会跨越时空和语言文化的障碍,传达出简单而普遍的信息:这是生活在世界上的另外一个人,我希望你能见见他(她)。” 本书的照片都是从国家地理学会超凡的馆藏摄影档案中精心挑选出来的,时间跨越了一个多世纪,反映的题材遍及地球上的每一个角落,也涉及了摄影艺术的每一个层面。这些照片既反映了一些世界级摄影大师观察生活的独特视角,也代表了我们人类某些共同的情感追求和人性的张扬。 摄影师威廉·艾伯特·阿拉德1982年在秘鲁拍摄的一幅图片题目是《爱德华多满脸泪痕的脸》,作者这样叙述当时的情景,“忽然一辆出租车疾驶而来,疯狂地冲向来不及躲闪的羊群,一半的羊被撞倒在公路下面的田地里。出租车扬长而去,后面的我们停下了车。当孩子抬起他满是泪痕的脸朝我们的方向看过来的时候,我按下了快门,摄影师的职业本能告诉我要留住这一刻……”照片的故事并没有就此停止。照片发表后,人们向爱德华多伸出了援助之手,来自全美的捐款就有6000多美元。美国国家地理学会还联系到了一个名叫关心(CARE)的组织,这个组织后来找到了爱德华多,在他们村里搞了一次活动,不仅为他家买了羊,弥补其损失,还给村子里购置了一台抽水机。 在谈到自己对摄影的领悟时,威廉·艾伯特·阿拉德这样说:“一张出色的人物摄影作品有一种表达被拍摄者内在精神的力量,它会跨越时空和语言文化的障碍,传达出简单而普遍的信息——这是生活在世界上的另外一个人,我希望你能见见他(她)。” 照片让人们穿越时空,在凝视那些陌生的面孔或者背影的时候带着感动。可以说这些照片既反映了一些世界级摄影大师观察生活的独特视角,也代表了人类某些共同的情感追求和人性的张扬。对于这本摄影集,北京电影学院教授、著名摄影评论家杨恩璞先生在接受记者采访时说:“书中的作品和中国人印象中的艺术摄影很不一样,他们是在用另外一种思路拍摄,用另外一种眼光看照片。在这个集子里,打动我们的不是技巧和美感,而是其中蕴含的智慧、文化和历史感。这是这本书对中国摄影的启示。” 中国摄影出版社总编辑宋建民说:“一幅好的图片不是让人去看的,而是让人去想的,这本书给了我们深邃的历史感和沉甸甸的文化积累,书中的人物仿佛伸手要握你的手。” “重要的是心灵的震撼,而不是眼球吃冰淇淋。”杨恩璞说,值得注意的是书中的作者很多人的身份都不是专职的摄影家,而是科学家、文学家、地质学家、社会学家,他们没有把摄影当成最后的目的,而是当成一种语言,在拍照的时候强调的不是照片的审美特性,而是人文特性。 一个作者在书中写道:我们与艺术无缘,就是在搞人像、科学、历史。杨恩璞说:“在此,摄影是一个大摄影的概念,它让我们知道艺术摄影只是摄影的一部分,而不是全部,这一点值得中国摄影家去努力和奋斗。” 谈到这本摄影集,中国人民大学新闻学院副教授殷强说,拿到这本书他一连读了两遍,这本画册的作品不一定是百分之百的精品,但每一幅都有很深的内涵和意味。如,二战前后的一些图片,它没有拍战争的残酷,只是拍一些平静祥和的画面,意在唤醒人们远离战争。这也正是美国国家地理杂志的个性——“与一切不愉快的事物保持距离。” 据记者了解,该书收集的280幅的照片都是从国家地理学会馆藏摄影档案1000万张图片中精选出来的。作为全球最大的非营利性科学与教育组织之一,美国国家地理学会自1888年创建以来,始终在自然摄影、文化摄影和动物摄影方面独树一帜。1890年,《国家地理》杂志刊登了它的第一幅图片,接着从19世纪末到21世纪初,《国家地理》一次又一次开辟新天地,在摄影报道这一领域不断冲击人们的视觉。这些照片跨越了一个多世纪,《瞬间永恒——美国国家地理人物摄影传世佳作》一书也随着摄影设备和摄影技术的发展相应分成了几个阶段:从早期的笨重照相机、需要长时期曝光的胶片,到彩色胶片的面世,再到出现轻便、多功能的相机,这些都使得人物摄影进入了一个崭新的、自然的阶段。本书探寻摄影师本身不断变化的角色定位和追求目标,同时也展示了他们的作品是如何反映这个世界并且影响着我们看待这个世界的方式方法。 谈到和美国国家地理学会的合作,时尚杂志社国际事业部经理张琳告诉记者,时尚杂志社与美国国家地理学会有着良好的期刊与图书的合作基础。2003年,时尚杂志社获得了《透过镜头——美国国家地理最伟大摄影作品集》一书中文简体版版权。据了解,当时《透过镜头》有几十个国家和地区的20个文本,统一在西班牙印制,全球同步发行,这种大规模同版书的跨国协作在国内图书出版领域尚属首次,而这一模式在国际上也处于领先地位。张琳表示,在《透过镜头》取得成功后,美国国家地理学会加大了对于自身核心资源重新开发和利用的力度,《瞬间永恒》就是这一努力的结果。 定 价:380.00元 |
#8 - 2007-10-8 23:15
Paperback:400 pages
Publisher:Aperture (June 15, 2005) Language:English ISBN-10:0893815500 ISBN-13:978-0893815509 Product Dimensions:12.7 x 9.7 x 1.1 inches Even as machines, robots and computers replace workers, Salgado's powerful, striking photographs reveal the backbreaking and unrelenting toil that is still the lot of millions of men and women around the globe. Never preachy or didactic, these 350 duotone images of tea pickers in Rwanda, dam builders in India, steelworkers in France and Ukraine, sugarcane harvesters in Brazil, assembly-line workers in Russia and China, sulfur miners in Indonesia and others, pay tribute to working people who preserve their dignity in the harshest conditions. In the lyrical accompanying essay, Salgado ( An Uncertain Grace ) laments Japan's industrial fishing which decimates fish stocks, France's agricultural policies and the global exploitation of manual laborers who do the bulk of the world's work. Salgado, an economist by training, documents the unforgettable faces of workers at their jobs around the world. His widely published images of the oil-field firefighters in Kuwait may be the most familiar to U.S. readers. The catalog for a traveling exhibition, this book is divided into six chapters--Agriculture, Food, Mining, Industry, Oil, and Construction--that show the basest realities of work in some of its uncountable forms, from fishing in Spain, to textile factories in Kazakhstan, Eurotunnel construction in France, a slaughterhouse in South Dakota, and gold miners in Brazil. The reader almost never sees a smiling face or evidence of job satisfaction. Instead, this is an iconography of wage-labor toil, alienation, and survival. The location and subject of each related group of images are announced in the table of contents; otherwise, one needs to consult a separate softbound booklet in a pocket in the back, which offers Salgado's facts and statistics about the particular natural resource, geographical area, and type of work pictured. The reproductions here are of superb quality. The winner of numerous international photography awards, Salgado ( An Uncertain Grace , LJ 2/1/91) has renewed the "concerned photographer" genre and produced one of the finest books of this decade. Essential for all art and photography collections. - Kathleen Collins, New York Transit Museum Archives, Brooklyn 定 价:860.00元 |
#9 - 2007-10-8 23:16
《亚当斯100周年》(Ansel Adams At 100),英文版,平装,开本尺寸:24×27cm,189页,美国Bulfinch出版社2003年。
定价:600元 《亚当斯100周年》 这是那本《亚当斯100周年》精装本的简装本,所选照片一样,印刷也不错,但是开本小一些,价格也便宜得多。 |
#10 - 2007-10-8 23:16
《遗迹》(What Remains)英文版,精装,开本尺寸:30×33cm,132页,美国Bulfinch出版社2003年。
定价:600元 《遗迹》 书中四个系列:莎利·曼的田庄中动物遗骸,在腐化的人体,美国内战战场的风景,莎利·曼自己孩子的近距离肖像。 |
#11 - 2007-10-12 00:27
该书被称为· Leica 大全 · ,有人称之为· Leica 圣经· 。强烈推荐!!!
Leica Pocket Book: 7th Edition 该书详细地介绍了 Leica 所有的M,R 机身,镜头 的历史,编号,生产年代,数据。。。。有了该书,你将会全面,详细的了解 Leica! 虽然是英语版本,但,本书语言简单,大多数重要的名词,形容词,动词 几乎在每页都重复,不会英语的朋友查查英汉词典后将很快基本了解其内容! QUOTE: [ 本帖最后由 Heifetz 于 2007-10-15 07:51 编辑 ] |
#12 - 2007-10-13 15:27
宝贝详情Paperback:400 pages
Publisher:Aperture (June 15, 2005) Language:English ISBN-10:0893815500 ISBN-13:978-0893815509 Product Dimensions:12.7 x 9.7 x 1.1 inches Even as machines, robots and computers replace workers, Salgado's powerful, striking photographs reveal the backbreaking and unrelenting toil that is still the lot of millions of men and women around the globe. Never preachy or didactic, these 350 duotone images of tea pickers in Rwanda, dam builders in India, steelworkers in France and Ukraine, sugarcane harvesters in Brazil, assembly-line workers in Russia and China, sulfur miners in Indonesia and others, pay tribute to working people who preserve their dignity in the harshest conditions. In the lyrical accompanying essay, Salgado ( An Uncertain Grace ) laments Japan's industrial fishing which decimates fish stocks, France's agricultural policies and the global exploitation of manual laborers who do the bulk of the world's work. Salgado, an economist by training, documents the unforgettable faces of workers at their jobs around the world. His widely published images of the oil-field firefighters in Kuwait may be the most familiar to U.S. readers. The catalog for a traveling exhibition, this book is divided into six chapters--Agriculture, Food, Mining, Industry, Oil, and Construction--that show the basest realities of work in some of its uncountable forms, from fishing in Spain, to textile factories in Kazakhstan, Eurotunnel construction in France, a slaughterhouse in South Dakota, and gold miners in Brazil. The reader almost never sees a smiling face or evidence of job satisfaction. Instead, this is an iconography of wage-labor toil, alienation, and survival. The location and subject of each related group of images are announced in the table of contents; otherwise, one needs to consult a separate softbound booklet in a pocket in the back, which offers Salgado's facts and statistics about the particular natural resource, geographical area, and type of work pictured. The reproductions here are of superb quality. The winner of numerous international photography awards, Salgado ( An Uncertain Grace , LJ 2/1/91) has renewed the "concerned photographer" genre and produced one of the finest books of this decade. Essential for all art and photography collections. |
#13 - 2007-10-13 16:38
价格有点高... 但都是好书!
#14 - 2007-10-16 07:22
喜欢这里所有的 书!!! 直顶!!!
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