Oct 10
为了纪念VII已故女摄影师Alexandra Boulat,《TIME》将过去15年中Alexandra的作品进行了精选以及总结。

链接: 《Times》新闻摄影图片精选
Albania, 1997 阿尔巴尼亚
Much of Boulat's early career was dedicated to covering the conflict in the Balkans

Pakistan, 2001 巴基斯坦
A collection of bullets and a paper tulip decorate a government office in Quetta.

Afghanistan, 2001 阿富汗
An Afghan woman weeps at the conditions in the Shamshatoo refugee camp.

Paris, 2004 巴黎
一位精神上患有疾病的女士正在Henri Mondor医院内
A mentally ill woman sits in the psychiatric section of Henri Mondor Hospital.

Kosovo, 1999 科索沃
“描述战争的残忍,往往并不需要让人们看到硝烟”——Alexandra Boulat
Refugees flee fighting. In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Boulat commented, "You can show war without showing a gun, and that's interesting, in just one photograph."

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链接: 《Times》新闻摄影图片精选
Albania, 1997 阿尔巴尼亚
Much of Boulat's early career was dedicated to covering the conflict in the Balkans

Pakistan, 2001 巴基斯坦
A collection of bullets and a paper tulip decorate a government office in Quetta.

Afghanistan, 2001 阿富汗
An Afghan woman weeps at the conditions in the Shamshatoo refugee camp.

Paris, 2004 巴黎
一位精神上患有疾病的女士正在Henri Mondor医院内
A mentally ill woman sits in the psychiatric section of Henri Mondor Hospital.

Kosovo, 1999 科索沃
“描述战争的残忍,往往并不需要让人们看到硝烟”——Alexandra Boulat
Refugees flee fighting. In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Boulat commented, "You can show war without showing a gun, and that's interesting, in just one photograph."

Posted in Photography Web List at 2007/10/10
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