Jul 1
新候选人:Alessandra Sanguinetti, Jacob Sobol以及Mikhael Subotzky

新正式成员:Mark Power, Trent Parke(也是我个人最喜欢的澳大利亚摄影师,推荐作品《夏日的暴雨》)

新合伙人:Chris Anderson, Christina Rodero Garcia

现有成员:Maya Goded以及Simon Wheatley依然为候选人,Ilkka Uimonen依然为合伙人

John Vink说:“One woman as an associate, two women as a nominee. Are we making progress?”

Leica中文摄影杂志@Email订阅地址 or @RSS

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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2007/07/01

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